Senator William Carden
Born August 24, 1865 near Middletown
Education: public schools, Parsons College
Moved toWinfield in 1890
Married: November 18, 1891
Fannie DeLashmutt, of Des Moines County
Child born in 1893 died in infancy
One adopted daughter, Thelma Carden
Presbyterian Church all his life
State legislature, six years
Senate, eight years
Trustee Parsons College, thirty-five years
V Pres Farmers National Bank since
its organization in 1916.
Taught school
Associated with Cranes in Mt Pleasant
Operated a hardware store
Served as local Postmaster for eight years.
Real estate and insurance business until his death
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Lions Club
Masonic Lodge for over 50 years.
Died March 18, 1950 in Winfield
William Carden was always a faithful booster of his
community and had an enthusiastic optimism which
was not soon forgotten. Winfield mourned his passing.